Friday, February 25, 2011


I was so happy two weeks ago. It was warm & sunny. I even wore a dress to my New Beginnings. Then, a day later we got a ton of snow. It's been snowing for a week. 
Today, Zach picked me up from work & we decided to drive to Newton to see his grandparents. It was a bad idea. It was snowing really bad. But we really wanted to see Grandpa & Grandma. We stayed there for a couple of hours & when we walked outside our car was coverd in snow & it was snowing so bad that you couldn't see accross the street. 
The drive was scary. We couldn't see a thing. 
We stopped at Walmart on our way home to get snacks & food, because we are not leaving our house tomorrow. 

This is what the Walmart parking lot looked liked when we got there.
This is what the parking lot & our car looked like 15 minutes later.

This is the worst storm we've seen since we moved to Logan. 
I'm not going to lie, I'm excited to lay in bed, watch movies, cuddle with Zach & drink hot chocolate all day tomorrow.  The pictures don't capture how much snow is falling.