Alright, so here's the deal. I'm an Interior Designer.. I just graduated & moved to a city where the economy is baaaadd! I can't find a job. I really need one, so I'm looking for anything at this point, but I don't want to give up inerior design so I'm starting my own little business. Nothing fancy, just interior decorating.
I know the market is bad right now, but it's woth the shot.
I'm doing what I can to advertise. I ordered business cards & I can't wait to get to start handing them out. (if you need business cards go to You can get them for free!)
I also have a website & since I'm just starting my prices are really low.
If you need help putting a room together, picking out furniture, decorating a wall, choosing a paint color or anything related to interior decorating I can help :) you can contact me from my website or via email
I'm doing work in Reno & Las Vegas!
I want to post more pictures on my website... so If you're interested I will help you decorate for free if you let me take pictures !
Some people have asked me to post pictures of my house. Here is a little preview. This is my living room.