Thursday, June 9, 2011

Shop, shop, shop!

I know I have been really bad with my blog since I moved to Vegas.
The reason why I haven't blogged is because I've been busy spending time with family, Zach had a birthday, my niece was born, we went to Reno for the first time & I opened an online shop.
I had opened one a year ago when I lived in Baltimore, but when I moved back to Logan I was too busy with school & work. Now I'm done with school & I have more time to do what I love.
My shop is for little girls right now, maybe with time I'll become more diverse.
I sell headbands & tutus. There's something about tutus I love. They are so cute....

Brittney not only let me borrow her little girls to be my models, but she also took the pictures. And I'm so grateful because she's a very talented photographer.

I'm posting a lot of pictures because these little girls are adorable & the pictures were so good I couldn't just post one.

Visit my shop here

I'm adding more products soon!